
Jeffrey Graetsch shoots Lou Doillon for Anthem No. 35

Our own Jeffrey Graetsch is responsible for this cover of Anthem featuring the gorgeous Lou Doillon (with hair a la Amy Farid).

Jeffrey's shots also grace the pages of the accompanying article on Ms. Doillon by James Greer, Growing Up in Public. If you haven't seen the glossy, then check out what you've been missing courtesy of my generous uploading:Some time ago, we actually ran into Ms. Doillon downtown. Unknowingly trailing her across the dance floor, we stumbled across: A GOLD BALLET FLAT. Bending down to pick it up, we came face to face with none other. "I think this is yours." She answered, smiling shyly, "Sank you." "Why do you have two pairs of shoes in your bag?" we ask. She answered, "Darling, I always have two looks!"

And a love affair was born.

Many thanks as always to Anthem Fashion Editor John Tan.

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